Sunday, August 18, 2013

Welcome To My First Grade Site!

Welcome and thank you for visiting my site! First grade is so exciting and full of new things, growth and learning. I have created this site to serve as a tool between home and school as your child learns and grows in the first grade this school year. I will be posting monthly newsletters and classroom events on a regular basis, so please check my blog frequently for up and coming events. I will also be sharing class photos and videos of our class each month enjoying the learning they will be engaged in  throughout the school year. My blog is also a way for families to keep up to date with special events in our classroom. With the 2013-2014 school year fast approaching, I will have new info posted leading up to the first day of school! So families, keep watch and look for exciting news and items your child will need for the first day of school.  In the meantime.....Help them know, so they can grow!
Ms. Raymond